Case Study

Let the wedding bells ring: Introducing WonderWed to Millions in Germany

WonderWed finds the best experts for bridal couples

WonderWed finds the best experts for bridal couples




prOJECT date

October - December 2018


Startup PR
Lifestyle PR


The results




prominent articles




The brief

How do you keep the momentum up for a wedding planning service, once the wedding season is over? How can a young startup gain media attention in such a competitive market as the wedding industry? These were the challenges that WonderWed was facing when they approached us. They wanted us to raise their profile while nobody was talking about weddings in the off-season. Yet it was a task we immediately loved because who wouldn’t want to work for a company that cares about the most important day in many people's lives?


The campaign

We combined different stories and story angles in order to gain the attention of journalists while they didn't yet care about the next wedding season. Whether it was letting the female founders talk about their productivity tools or the lack of female entrepreneurs or doing data evaluations of the wedding season 2018: We came up with a variety of content tailored to the media outlets that were the right match for WonderWed's target audience.

To support the platform we also turned our attention to the many service providers that WonderWed was hosting on their website. With their help we create a trends guide for 2019: from the wedding dress to jewelry and wedding cakes that bring a tear of joy to your eye – WonderWed knows what's trending in 2019.

Media outlets such as DIE WELT, InStyle, Brigitte, freundin and t3n loved our ideas and covered the two founders, their story and our wedding trends in 2019. Not too bad for a 3-months-project!


“The Power PR trio convinced us with their energy and creativity. With Laika we are in good hands and we really enjoy working with the team.”

JANA CLAASSENS-PASCAULT, Founder & ceo Wonderwed


Selected Media


Thank you, WonderWed!

It’s been a pleasure to work with you!