Case Study
Startup PR

Your time, your rules - and our success: How we backed up Zenjob’s rapid growth





July 2021 - November 2022

HR Tech PR
Startup PR


The results


Published Articles

714 Mio. +



The brief

The more flexible the merrier: As a digital recruitment marketplace that matches part-time job seekers with employers, Zenjob aims to give everyone the freedom to integrate their jobs seamlessly into their daily life – true to their motto “Your time, your rules“. Already been growing and expanding rapidly, Zenjob needed a strong comms partner to back this up and give that extra boost of media attention - wait, did someone say boost? Sounds like a perfect fit for Laika – so that's why we came in. Eager to combine our forces, we couldn't wait to catapult Zenjob into new media galaxies with our jet propulsion.

Zenjob was also interested in maintaining trust with employees and employers alike, shaping the public discussion and rules for the platform economy – they are now ranked as the most fair platform in Germany! – and showing top tier media in business, industry trade journals and HR how the future of work can look like and be created more flexible.


The campaign

Just as a rocket has to be maintained and its departure into space has to be precisely prepared, it is also important in the PR world to develop a good strategy before acting – our included the pillars

  • Spread the word with corporate communication announcements (expansion, investment round, ...) 

  • Vertical B2B PR by targeting businesses cross-industry and sector by sector 

  • Create a steady drumbeat for B2C to reach new talents with a proactive and confident approach to flexible work models, a plea for more acceptance, respect and humble approach to simplified work and pushing the importance of new work

  • Establish the company and its spokespersons as thought leaders

  • Quick wins by proactively leveraging what’s already out there

  • Preparation for the case of emergency by creating a crisis comms guide implementing a crisis workshop

Keeping Zenjobs back free and work together hand in hand by being a partner for all (comms) concerns, for example we supported Zenjob to find an interim head of comms and set up a joint radio promotion.

Opening up to new target groups besides students, launching in new cities, being on a path of internationalization and successfully closing a major financing round, Zenjob already brought a lot to the table we could communicate on. Gründerszene, Personalwirtschaft or Techcrunch – you name it – we got the attention of top media outlets. Besides the major milestones, however, it was also important to maintain a strong drumbeat and to position Zenjob as a thought leader and trailblazer. For the latter, we focused on Zenjob's core themes of new work with focus on the flexibilisation of the working world as well as the Gen Z, digitalization and creating a fair platform economy. To do so, we resorted to several tactics:

  • Let's go bananas about data (stories)!

We love data, you love data - everyone loves data, especially when they provide interesting insights. Fortunately, Zenjob's data stories do just that! Whether the Gen Z study or Zenjobs „Jobspiegel“: We have aimed high and hit the mark by convincing high-profile media such as HR Journal, W&V, der Standard, t3n, Haufe, Horizont or BusinessPunk of the results.

Example results of the Gen Z Survey 2022

  • Oh, how beautiful is Panama - uhm we mean Frankfurt, Munich and Co.: Going local

Every city is different - also in terms of job offers, salary payments and of course media outlets. So we tackled the local media with suited data and information and were able to secure for example Münchner Merkur, Frankfurter Rundschau or Tagesspiegel.

  • Focus on verticals: Logistics, gastronomy or retail? We embrace them all! 

Zenjob is active in different industries - all the more interesting to compare those to show salary developments or the influx or outflow of workers. By doing so, Zenjob got covered in trade journals such as AHGZ, Absatzwirtschaft or Textilwirtschaft.

  • If you ask me... I will gladly give you my advice (pieces)

From new work (flexibility), digitalization or the platform economy - there are many fields where Zenjob has its “two cents“ to say. Whether podcasts (e.g. Zukunftsmacher by Kai Gondlach), written bylines (e.g. Forbes DACH) or speaker slots (e.g. World Staffing Summit) we gave Zenjob a strong voice in the market.

With all of the above combined, we were able to secure 456 clippings with a reach of +714 within our collaboration.


“Laika has proven again and again that they put in the effort to create truly successful PR campaigns. The team is highly responsive, very creative and in general a trusted partner for us!"

Verena Keimer, Director of Marketing Zenjob


Selected Media


Thank you, Zenjob!

It was a pleasure to work with you!