The Laika 2020 PR & Content Calendar - how to use calendar hooks for your PR!


December is a time when even PR and marketing teams get a little calmer. The Christmas business is prepared, the days are getting shorter. Holiday parties are breaking the daily routine. However, the PR mind never sleeps. Now is the time to take a step back to plan, schedule and get creative in order to ramp up your communications for the next year. How so? By strategically planning topics and stories that will not only carry you through the year, but make you come up with key themes and creative sparks.

To get you off to a good start we are giving you the Laika PR & Content Calendar 2020 as an early Christmas gift. Full with important calendar events for next year that will hopefully fuel your creativity. Whether for your blog or for press stories - there should be something for everyone

In case you’re wondering: “Why should I bother to plan out my next year? I mean, I work at a startup and we move agile and fast!”, then here is a list of reasons why having a proper PR and content calendar in place makes a lot of sense for the success of your communication:

  1. It gives you a clear understanding of what you have to do when so you can balance your workload better. Furthermore, it allows you to avoid to push out all your stories at once and then end up with too much or too little communications at times - consistency is key!

  2. You can identify opportunities to piggyback on news stories, happenings, and initiatives. For example: your new app to find friends might be a perfect opportunity to create compelling content for the International Day of Friendship (July 30th). August 26th is Woman Equality Day - a perfect opportunity to showcase the diversity in your workplace. And so on…

  3. You can make it easier to plan and schedule key topics. For example, for our Laika PR & Content calendar 2020 which you can download below, we looked into techie, space-related or just fun calendar days that fit many startups. Pick a focus topic (or topics) and continue the search that helps your strategy most!

  4. Having a calendar keeps you active! We all know that keeping up momentum twelve months a year is a difficult task. Sure, we all have a tiny calendar on our phone - but having a noise-free calendar to spark ideas and help you with content gaps may be very useful. You can thank us later :)

We hope you will find this small gift useful - and have a little fun with it as we did making it! And if you never want to miss any of our free PR tools, then make sure to register to our newsletter.

Content CalendarLaika